Thursday, October 28, 2010

Motivation Presentation

This presentation was incredibly helpful. Motivation is one of the most important topics that we can focus on as future educators. Contrary to opinions we may have seen at one point, there is no such thing as a too-motivated student. There are some great resources pointed out in this class at the resource station, from the character cards to the BBC History games (!)

The scenario stations were also really helpful. The "nightmare students" seemed like for the most part, they were either bored or were having trouble following the content. Fortunately, these nightmares can be brought to a swift end by the resources and creativity we have available!
Another thing that was really interesting in the presentation and the paper this group made is the focus on our newly-learned philosophies. I really enjoyed learning about how existentialist theories applied to student motivation.

I also really liked the "true/false" intro. That is a great way to fully gauge class opinions on different topics, and gets us moving. It's really interesting to see different opinions. It was also interesting to see the class's response when I took an opposite opinion to them.
The textbook resource section was a good opportunity for me to remember that my own interest in Shakespeare is almost necessarily different from the average interest in Shakespeare. In addition to hearing some interesting perspectives on how to teach math with more interesting sources, I learned how to teach Shakespeare with more interesting sources.

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